SET Short Term Recorded Preparation (Planning) Template and Sample Plans
New to SET/ Support teaching and not sure where to start with your short term recorded preparation (planning)? Look no further!
Included here are blank templates for SET short term recorded preparation for both groups and individual children. There are also 2 examples completed using the templates so that you can see what to include in each section. One of the completed samples is for a child who receives support for literacy, and the other completed samples is for a group of children who receive support for social skills. These templates are clear and easy to use and the Cuntas Míosúil & reflection sections are integrated into them.
Payment methods
The templates and completed samples in this download come in fully editable Microsoft Word format and include a link to download them in Google Docs. These short term recorded preparation templates are suitable for both in-class and withdrawal, for all class levels and for any type of SEN. It includes all of the sections recommended in the 2021 Preparation for Teaching and Learning Guidance.
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How and when will I receive my order?
Immediately after payment, you will see download link(s) for your product(s) on your screen. You will also receive your order within minutes of payment via automated email to the address which you provided. The email which you receive will include a download link to access the product. Please download your order immediately and save it to your own computer to ensure you do not lose access in the future.
Do you offer returns?
As you will receive your download immediately, unfortunately returns/ refunds are not possible unless there is a problem with the product. All of the products have a detailed description as well as preview pictures, so you can be sure that the product is suitable for you before you purchase. If you have any questions about products, please feel free to email
Can I share my download with others/ my school?
Sharing your download with others is strictly prohibited as it is copyrighted material that you have purchased an individual licence for. You are free to edit resources that you have purchased for your own use, however reselling or distributing these works in whole or part is strictly forbidden. If you know another teacher who would like the resource, please refer them to this page.
Do you have a Google Docs version of this product?
Yes, this download includes a PDF document with a link to open each plan in Google Docs. When you click this link, you will be asked to create your own copy of the document. You will need to open the document on a computer to do this, as it will open in read-only format on mobile phones.
Can you post me printed copies of my order?
No, all products are available as digital downloads only as they are designed to be edited by you to suit your individual class and students.
I have a child with X on my caseload. Do you have completed plans that I can use for this child?
Support documents are highly specific to a child and their individual identified needs. We provide templates for support planning, as well as sample completed plans to demonstrate how they are done, but we cannot provide plans for individual children. We have a free guide on how to identify a child’s priority learning needs, to writing SMART targets, and to completing support plans here.
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As you will receive your download immediately, unfortunately returns are not possible. All of my products have a detailed description as well as preview pictures, so you can be sure that the product is suitable for you before you purchase. If you have any questions about products, please feel free to email me on