English as an Additional Language Individual Education Plan - EAL IEP - EAL Long Term Plan A1 A2 B1 Levels

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This is an English as an Additional Language (EAL) Individual Education Plan (IEP) that can be edited in less than 1 minute per child to create a plan with unique aims, targets and vocab depending on which level they are on (A1, A2 or B1) in each of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

This plan will work for any child with EAL in your school as it contains content for all levels (A1, A2 and B1), each of the skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and covers all 13 of the themes from Up and Away!

  • English
    Primary Language Curriculum
    Curricular Area(s): English
  • Long Term Plans
    Yearly Plans
    Planning: Long Term Plans
  • $15.00
Number of Sales: 189
Last Updated: Sep 20, 2024

Each child in your school who will receive language support will need their own EAL IEP. In large schools, that have a very high percentage of children with EAL, this can mean that you need to create an EAL IEP for dozens of students. Doing EAL IEPs for all of these children is extremely time consuming, so this template has been designed to allow you to create unique EAL Individual Education Plans for all of the children who receive language support quickly and easily. You can watch our short demo on Instagram on how to edit it in minutes to create a personalised plan for each of your students.

It is very common that child may be on different levels (A1 Breakthrough, A2 Waystage, or B1 Threshold) in each of the skill areas: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. For example, they may be on level B1 in Listening, A1 in Reading, A2 in Speaking, and A1 in Writing. For this reason, a generic plan that has all 4 skills at A1 level may not be useful. This plan allows you to only keep the long-term aims and targets for the level the child is working at, as indicated by their PSAK result e.g. if they are at level B1 in Listening, then you delete the long term aims and targets for levels A1 and A2 in Listening. If they are at level A1 in Reading, then delete the long term aims and targets for levels A2 and B1 in Reading etc.

Furthermore, usually children with EAL only begin working on reading and writing skills from First Class onwards. Therefore, you may have some older children who need these skills included in their EAL long-term plan, and younger children who do not. For children in the infant classes, you can delete the reading and writing aims and targets and only keep the listening and speaking ones.

Finally, as children progress through their EAL instruction, they may reach the target level of B1.3 in some areas e.g. listening and speaking, but not in reading and writing. In this case, you will be creating a plan with only aims and targets relating to the areas where they have not reached the B1.3 level.

All of these scenarios, mean that you will need to create EAL plans that are slightly different for each child. I have created this template plan as the fastest way to be able to do this, as all of the content that you need is already included. So rather than having to copy and paste information into a new document which is very time consuming, you simply click and delete the sections in this plan that are not needed for that particular child.

Using this plan, I have been able to create an EAL IEP with aims, targets and vocab to match a child’s individual PSAK results in under 1 minute! Filling out the individual pupil profile section, is the most time-consuming part of this plan, but even this can be done in less than 10 minutes if you have the information already to hand. So this template will allow you to create EAL IEPS with aims, targets and vocabulary specific to each child’s profile of needs in approximately 10 minutes per child. 

To help you identify the different levels quickly, there is a traffic light colour coding in this plan. Aims, targets, vocab etc. relating to A1 level are in red, A2 level in yellow, and B1 level in green.

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    • SKU
      SKU 363748
  • Curricular Area(s)
    English, Primary Language Curriculum
  • Planning
    Long Term Plans, Yearly Plans, Scheme

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