EAL Short Term Planning Template and Sample Completed Plan
A fully editable short term (can be used weekly or fortnightly) planning template and sample completed plan for EAL/ language support teachers in Irish schools. Space for the cuntas míosúil is included in the template.
This template is ideal for planning using the Up and Away EAL curriculum and works seamlessly with our customisable EAL long term planning.
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This planning template is suitable for both in-class and withdrawal, and for children at class levels. It is in fully editable Microsoft Word document format.
These plans include all of the sections recommended by the National Induction Programme for Teachers (NIPT) for SET teacher planning as well as recommendations for short term planning from the 2021 NCCA Guidance on Preparation for Teaching and Learning.
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Curricular Area(s)Primary Language Curriculum, English
PlanningCuntas Miosuil, Fortnightly Plans, Short Term / Weekly Plans
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