
        Teaching Music Made Easy! Simple, effective online music activities for all ages.

        SKU: SKU 271641
        Make teaching music in your classroom really fun, easy and effective! This is my TOP 10 online music resources for the month of September which includes rhythm games, vocal warm up activities, an African chant, introduction to the orchestra, sing-along songs and much much more!
        Not rated yet
        • €2.00
        Number of Sales: 17
        Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025

        Another new resource available now to make teaching music in your classroom really fun, easy and effective! This is my TOP 10 online music resources for the month of September which includes rhythm games, vocal warm up activities, an African chant, introduction to the orchestra, sing-along songs and much much more!! As a musician it’s easy for me to teach music but I totally understand that it comes with a lot of challenges especially for teachers who don’t consider themselves musical at all! This resource will really help and I plan on doing a TOP 10 every month so that you have all areas of the music curriculum covered whatever class you teach! Music shouldn’t be scary to teach and this will really take the edge off it. The resource is also based on popular music and activities that are fresh and current!

          • SKU
            SKU 271641

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